English and american schools

Publié le par Today




In england, schools from 11 to18 years old are called secondary schools.



In england, most teenagers in school wear an uniform. Some teenagers try to make their uniform « cool » by wearing their shirt outside their trousers or by wearing very short skirts.


The school week

The week goes from 9 am to 4 pm, monday to friday. Traditionally, assembly included hymns, prayers and news about the school. Today, because diversity, hymns have been remplaced in most school by a talk on different subjects like ecology, etc....



Maths, english science and physical education are compulsory at school in england. They have religious education,but not just christianity.



Teachers stay after school hours to help organize extra-curricilar activities: sport, music, drama...

Students are also encouraged to collect money for charity, by organizing school's fests and other activities. Music is important in many english schools: there there are individual lessons, an orchestra and a choir.








American schools


In the USA, schools have lockers, so students don't have to carry their books, they decorate it with posters and photos.


In the USA schools have a busy week, many subjects and extra-curricular activities after school at 3 pm, sports, music, cheerleading, theater,,it's very fun!


When it's the end of middle school, there is big graduation ceremony, the principal of the school gives the diploma, students wear a cap and a gown, et the end of the ceremony, everybody throws their cap up in the air.


At the end of the year, there is the proom night, girls wear beautiful dresses and boys wear elegant suits.


Many schools have assembly every week, the guests speakers talk about problems of teenagers like drugs or builling, students usually say the pledge of allegiance and sing the star sprangled banner.

Nassira & Samantha

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