The legend of the «All Blacks»

Publié le par Today


The legend of the

«All Blacks»



In New Zealand in Wellington, a strong and fearsome rugby's team names «The All Blacks».This fondation born in 1892. It's them who sing the famous «Haka». This song is singing with so conviction that them adversary tremble before the match.

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The names team born during a match ; somebody understood a journalist who say : «They are all back!» and repeat «They are all blacks!»

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Them symbol is a fern cause' this plant is considerable .A legend say they wear they adversarys mourning.

Today, the team selector is Braham Henry and famous actuel players are Richie Mc Caw, Aaron Mauger ...

Them great players are famous : Zinzan Brooke, Christian Cullen (recordman of try)...

All Blacks are world champions in 1987, and they continue a fabulous and great career.


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